Delilah & Hermione
Mysterious Ladies
Sisters at heart and the best of friends. Delilah & Hermione are cautious of their surroundings and quite shy, but with lots of time and comfort, they learn to trust. Inquisitive and graceful, they thrive on routine and never leave one another’s side. At the break of dawn they shimmy from their roost and head down for a morning snack. They rest on their straw in the days sun, preening their feathers and searching for bugs. At dusk they are out getting dinner and exploring the grounds before they head up to their favorite tree outside our front door. They each have their own branch, one near the other, where they perch safely for the night.
Delilah and Hermione came from Eastern WA, where the owner of the house was selling and the new home owners did not want peafowl around. So, they needed to find a new safe place to live. We feel grateful to have their presence here with us.