Bonnie & Clyde
Two of the cuddliest kitties around.
As their name-sakes portrayed, Bonnie is self-sufficient, independent, strong-minded, and knows how to stand up for herself. Clyde is handsome, charming, well-intentioned, but gets a bit emotional when he feels threatened. Despite following the characteristics of their human counterparts, Bonnie and Clyde are two of the snuggliest kitties we know. They adore attention from any gentle human, purring, rolling over and accepting as many loves as the human is willing to provide. They are both intelligent, adventurous and playful. But, on the cold winter days, you will likely find them intertwined, snuggling in their self heating cat bed under the window in the barn.
Bonnie & Clyde were feral born in urban Wenatchee. They were unwanted roaming the neighborhoods and needed a home. Bonnie was infected with ringworm, which led to a very long quarantine time. These sweethearts were so patient through it all and are grateful to be free once again. Happy and healthy with many rural acres to roam.
Bonnie (Summer 2022 - February 5, 2023)