Support a Resident
Give a big warm welcome to our newest resident Bodhi and help feed him with a monthly donation or one time gift. Bodhi eats a special food that comes in a pellet form, keeping him healthy and satisfied. Every night he gets some of his favorite treats: lettuce, strawberries and apple! Bodhi was found as a stray roosting in the rafters of an industrial building downtown. He is quiet, shy and a bit nervous if anyone gets close, but with each day we are seeing him gain more trust in us and seeming quite content. Peafowl are originally from India, so he prefers the sun and warm weather, but the little heater we gave him in his barn has been a big hit. He has been loving it on these cold and rainy days. We invite you to share your love with Bodhi.
Squiddy was the first farmed animal resident we brought home in January of 2018. Squiddy was malnourished as a young pig which stunted his development, because of this he will forever be a pig who has special needs. His back legs did not form properly and will forever cause him discomfort and pain. When he arrived to our little Sanctuary, Squiddy was a bit of a grump due to his pain and having to live all by himself, but with plenty of love and attention, and especially a new pig friend, he has blossomed into a lovable and cuddly little guy. His favorite activity, besides eating of course, is to roll over on his belly and let you scratch and scratch! Squiddy gets medications and vitamins every morning and evening to help soothe his pain. Squid’s food and medication costs about $75/month. We invite you to show Squidward your love and help support him!