The Bunny Fluffle
Fluffle: a group of bunnies
14 bonded brothers and sisters. Exploring, foraging, tunneling, climbing, jumping, napping, snuggling, and playing together every day. Mopsy, Cottontail, Marlon, Bundo, Wesley, Yogi, Patch, Benjamin, Snowflake, Thumper, Gizmo, Meadow, Fern, and Sophie. Often laying over one another as they rest. Curious and playful, yet timid and shy.
Two bunnies, Roger and Bugs, were let loose after someone had purchased them to breed and sell for meat. They made way to our neighbors where they lived a feral life for a few years. Happy and healthy we all enjoyed seeing them around each day. They suddenly had two offspring and some were worried there would be a fluffle and no longer wanted them around. To protect them, we caught them, spayed and neutered and re-released them to the life they clearly seemed to love. Bugs, was already pregnant and after rooming with another male (that the vet said was female) an additional litter was born. Our hope to protect them and prevent offspring…… resulted in a fluffle after all…