Have you ever thought about changing your diet to being vegan?

Gwen and camp mates asking great questions and brainstorming at Camp Solutionary.

Have you ever thought about changing your diet to being vegan? That’s what I

have been thinking about since I met Eric and Anna Gullickson 3 years ago. That

question got me thinking about what it would be like to be vegan. So I joined a camp

that ridge 2 river was putting on called camp Solutionary, and one of the activities was

for us to pick a side, entertainment or food, and I chose entertainment so our job was to

pick something in the packet that was harmful to animals so my partner and I chose

animals in film/commercials. So my partner and I wrote a letter to our local

representative about animals not being in film.

Gwen & Woody


After I read the packet and deciding what my partner and I were going to do, I

didn’t realize at that moment how many things animals are actually used for and hurt

just for money and entertainment. That is part of the reason why I started to eat as

much vegan as I can for meals. I am not fully vegan but I do eat less meat then I used

to. Now not eating as much meat doesn’t feel any different from eating animal meat all

the time because there are vegan options for meat that taste no different. Being vegan

isn’t that different. But it really is because dead animals aren’t apart of your life.

~ Gwen Malmassari; age 11


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Eating Plants for the Planet