We Survived the Heat Dome
The last week has been incredibly hot. Setting many record breaking temperatures all over the West coast, including here in Cashmere. We had multiple days at 106 or above and the highest was an 115 degree day. It was a difficult stretch for many, us included, where many humans and animals lost their lives due to the temperatures. We are grateful that we were able to help all the residents in our care be as comfortable as possible and though they still felt hot at times, they weren't suffering like so many that were.
What did we do?
We focused on the animals 100%, they were checked on every 1-2 hours, starting at 5am through midnight.
· We had extra ponds and pools for the ducks and the pigs.
Where Gene spends most of his days
· We set up misters to help keep the temperature down and give some relief
Pools, ponds, and misters, Oh, my!
· They all received frozen fruit treats every afternoon at the hottest part of the day!
Nom, Nom, Nom…
· We purchased many a shade sail and had a couple donated to help shade the bird yards.
Can’t have too many shade sails
· Eric built predator proof screen doors for everyone, so they could still be in their house for safety at night, while enjoying additional air flow
New screen doors!
· The pigs had a full mud hole to roll in
A happy pig
· The chickens, not liking water, had little wading tubs of cold water, they could stand or walk in to cool their feet and help reduce their temperature.
Took a bit, but now they love their foot soaker
· Everyone's yard was sprayed down with cool water every couple of hours to keep it cool.
Primo likes cooling off in his pool
· Ice bottles cooled every water bucket in the afternoons, so everyone was sure to have nice cold water to drink at all times.
Frozen watermelon treats
· They all received additional vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes each day.
Morning Meditation
· We purchased an extra x-pen, in case someone was having too much trouble we could move them inside, if necessary.
Woody enjoying the misters on a hot day
· Everyone had two or more fans running.
Outdoor fans we added misters to
· And when it was still too hot at night to close the goats in, Sukah and I camped in the van down by the goat yard, so they could sleep outside, but still be protected from any predators.
Sukah is still sleepy
And we sprayed off our volunteers :)
So refreshing! We sprayed ourselves too!
It was a tiring and stressful week, no doubt, but we made it through with the health of everyone! The temps have lowered into the 90s and their has been a nice cool breeze each day, which we are so grateful for. We are enjoying the return to more normal weather and hope that it sticks around for the rest of the summer. Now, we try to rest, enjoy the change and catch up on all we had to put aside.
An enormous THANK YOU to those of you who donated supplies, volunteered, and helped us through this. We are so grateful and couldn't have done it without you. Thank you for helping us give our animal residents the lives they deserve.
Always cuddling, even if its 100 degrees