Theo Needs You
Prince Theo
A couple weeks ago, Theo got up from a nap to greet our neighbors, as they stopped by for a visit, when he started leaning into them but didn’t stop until he was on the ground. He was stiff and seemed a bit “spacey”. We were all confused and though we know Theo loves snuggles so much he tends to push into you for more, I realized this was not that. This was some sort of a seizure? Stroke? Was I imagining things? He was paralyzed from the waste back and after a few seconds of stillness, he begun digging his front paws into the cement to stand up, but he couldn’t. We had him lay there and rest while I got on the phone to the vet office. Of course this was a Sunday evening at 5:30. We watched him closely and let him rest. After ten minutes or so he could sit up. Then, he laid back down to rest, still unable to stand. Some more time passed and eventually he was able to stand and walk again…wobbly and weak seeming at first, but within an hour or so, he appeared normal.
The vet asked to do x-rays and bloodwork, as I suspected, to try to figure out what might be going on. The results took time to come back, but the radiologist saw multiple areas of narrowed disc spaces present within the mid-chest, thorax, cranial lumbar regions of the spine with arthritis present. The radiologist is mostconcerned of spinal disc disease. They are requesting him to see a Neurologist for an MRI to see exactly what is going on and if he is a candidate for surgery.
Two days later it happened again. I heard some banging around downstairs, to find him stuck in the middle of our stairs, frozen in place and unable to move. Luckily Eric was home and we could get a blanket under him and move him to his bed, until he recovered. (A limp, yet ridged dog weighing in around 86 lbs. can be challenging to move safely.) We feel extremely grateful that in both instances he sprung back to relatively normal. The big concern is that if he ruptures a disk, it could mean he can’t walk and won’t come back from it. It would mean an emergency vet visit, emergency MRI and possibly emergency surgery. All which are less fun in an emergency state for everyone, but also twice the cost.
Theo and Balsamroot
Theo’s first golf game!
Running the hills
So for now, poor Theo is on limited activity, he can’t hike the hills with us, run, play or jump. Pretty tough for a Malinois in general and a guy who is finally settling in and feeling comfortable here. The vet says this disease is fairly rare in large dogs and is genetic. I guess we shouldn’t be too surprised as I have had more than one vet tell me, “Anna, this is a rare case and we just haven’t seen something quite like this before. The special ones seem to find you because you always give them the care they need.”
But, we have only been able to do it with YOUR help. Now, Theo needs you.
We need the funding for his consultation with the Neurologist, the cost of the MRI, surgery
( if he needs it) and his Rehab Therapy package to get him back to where he has a good quality of life.
First Paddle Board trip….his zen spot.
His favorite stuffy
The estimated cost for consultation and the MRI is $4,000-$6,000.
Surgery is estimated at an additional $4,500.
Rehab Therapy package $950-$1,375 – pending how many sessions he needs.
In total Theo is needing $9,450 - $11,875 to get him further diagnoses and back to a healthy, thriving life.
Will you please help Theo? We are not able to do it without you.
With love and gratitude,
Theo, Anna, and Eric