In Memory of Chino
Just about a week before he got sick, enjoying one of his favorite treats
Chino was a magical goat. He was like no other that we have ever known. Sometimes it felt as though he was human in so many ways. His intellect, strong personality, and desire to want to be with us. He and I were bonded from the moment we met on the side of the highway. He walked up to me immediately and continued to follow me around at the moment and from that moment on, including into the van, ready for his forever home. From poor Eric getting injured, the drive to the knee specialist and finding Chino on the way home, there is no doubt, was meant to be. I had been talking with Eric for some time about starting a Sanctuary, which is one of the main reasons we moved to the Eastern WA, but finding Chino that evening was the impetus of Ridge 2 River.
Snoozing under the laundry line
Besties enjoying the view
He even took this dog bed to his barn when he moved
Happy boy
I still believe his three months of living in our backyard with the dogs, was likely his most favorite time of his life. He loved being around us all the time, sleeping under our clothesline, playing with the dogs, and laying by our feet while we sat outside with him to drink a beverage, do some computer work, or just gaze out at the beautiful scenery in good conversation. Chino was ALWAYS right beside us.
Napping in the sun
We were so excited for him to meet Tulips and have a new barn and great big pasture, but he seemed a slightly put off the first few days that he had been moved and now had this goat friend. How dare we! But, he soon took to his new space and Tulips and over all was a happy goat who let you know exactly what he wanted. We would look so forward to every time we walked up to the barn to see him and in the summer he would come up the hill with Tulips and they would hangout under the tree by the pig yard where they could see us at the house. Every night Chino would be at the gate waiting for his fresh hay and bowl of snacks before bedtime. He would run, literally run, from the gate to the barn stopping mid-way to make sure you were still behind him, because he would be so excited for them. He had so much personality and didn’t love everyone, but he was as gentle soul as he could be to me. All the injections I had to give him over the last couple years for his Polio and then AED and his hoof trimmings, which he also did not love, he could have really hurt me so easily with how large he was and his massive horns, but he never did. I would snuggle his face and kiss him daily. It is amazing how well we knew him and how strong our bond was even though Chino never talked, only maybe once or twice did we ever hear his soft bleat.
Their favorite spot on the hill
Love ya sis
Party play
My barn
Chino gave his bravest effort at life and we tried absolutely everything we could, but unfortunately his body was unable to keep going. After returning from WSU Chino had some good days at home and some not so good days, it changed with the sun it feels sometimes. His last day being one of the not so good days. He was quite lethargic and not interested in eating. But one of Chino’s most favorite things was the sun and his last day, in the middle of Winter, was a beautiful warm sunny day that he spent laying in the sun, with Eric, Tulips & I. Before bedtime we had a small picnic including wheat thin crackers, pumpkin purée and grapes and I fell asleep next to him in my sleeping bag for about an hour or so. I woke up and quickly realized he wasn’t improving and was even seeming to get worse. We knew at this point there wasn’t anything else we could do and our priority shifted to try to help end his suffering as quickly as possible. We called the vet in the middle of the night to help put Chino to rest, and while we waited for his arrival we had a little time to say our goodbyes. I held his head in my arms and we told him how much we loved him and how much we were going to miss him. We made sure he knew how many people were rooting for him, but that it was ok for him to go. Tulips, Eric & I were all able to be there for his passing and Tulips had some time with him overnight to say goodbye before we took him away the next morning to the crematory.
Last day
Goodbye my friend
We have a huge hole in our hearts and an empty feeling here at the Sanctuary. Chino was an integral soul of Ridge 2 River. He was a very special boy that will forever be missed and never be forgotten. We know he will ALWAYS be here with us in spirit.
We will always Love you Chino-man
We thank you for your endless love & support you gave Chino and that you continue to give the rest of us. We are forever grateful.
With Love,
Anna, Eric and Tulips